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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in dogs are pretty common, just like they can be for humans. UTIs are caused by bacteria that travel up the urethra (the opening to the bladder). If left untreated, a UTI could cause painful, potentially damaging, bladder infections. Here’s what pet parents should know about UTIs in dogs and how to treat them.
How can you tell if a dog has a UTI? Occasionally, a dog won’t show symptoms if they have a mild UTI. Other times, it’s obvious something is wrong — like your dog begging to go outside more often or having accidents in the house. Some common dog UTI symptoms include:1,2
In more serious cases, UTI symptoms in dogs can include:1,2
It’s a good idea to contact your veterinarian quickly if you notice any of these symptoms, even if you think they’re mild. UTIs can travel from the urethra into the bladder, and then onto the kidneys. If left untreated, your pet’s bladder and kidneys could be damaged, leading to costly veterinary treatments.1,3
The most common cause of UTIs in dogs is E. Coli, but other types of bacteria can cause urinary tract infections as well.1
There also are some underlying causes that may increase a dog’s risk of getting a UTI, such as kidney disease, diabetes, Cushing’s disease, incontinence, and cancer. Other medical risk factors can include bladder stones, prostate disease, and physical trauma, which can impact your dog’s ability to fight UTIs before they become a larger problem.1,2
There could be many reasons why your dog keeps getting UTIs. Some dog breeds may get UTIs more than others because they’re more likely to develop bladder or urinary stones. Older, female dogs tend to get UTIs more often than male dogs because a female dog’s urethra is shorter and wider.2,3
While the breed and gender of your dog aren’t something you can control, there are other factors — like their weight — that you can manage. Obese dogs may have a higher risk of developing diabetes, which can lead to a higher risk of UTIs.2,3
Dogs with a suppressed immune system can be more likely to develop UTIs.1,3 Because young puppies have immature immune systems, they’re vulnerable to all sorts of infections while growing — including UTIs.
Your vet will begin by reviewing your pet’s medical history and talking with you about any recent changes in their life, like diet or stress. They’ll typically conduct a urinalysis, which is a lab test to look at the blood levels, crystals, and bacteria present in your dog’s urine.1,3
Dog UTI treatment usually consists of antibiotics to get rid of the infection based on the urinalysis results. Vets may also prescribe pain medication to make your pup’s recovery more comfortable. In the meantime, a sample may be sent to a lab for further testing to rule out other infections.1,3
Blood work and other diagnostics, like X-rays or ultrasounds, may be necessary to see if your dog has bladder stones or if their kidneys are infected.1,3 Depending on the outcome of those tests, your vet may suggest surgery or prescribe other medication while monitoring your dog’s health.2
After finishing antibiotics, your dog may need to go back to the vet for another urinalysis to make sure the infection is gone.3
While UTIs aren’t entirely preventable in dogs, a great way to guard against them is to keep your dog healthy and manage any underlying conditions.1 Your vet may recommend diet or lifestyle changes, including supplements that can keep your dog’s immune system in tip-top shape.3
Additionally, a dog insurance policy with a wellness add-on could help you keep your pup on track by reimbursing you for things like routine vaccinations, exams, medications, and supplements.4
UTIs are common in dogs and puppies, but with care and patience from pet parents, they can be managed.
Whether you’re taking your pup to the vet for an infection or something else, you may benefit from having pet insurance. Fetch your free quote today so you can worry less about the cost of treating common pet illnesses.