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Blindness is a scary prospect in any context. But sudden blindness can be especially terrifying — especially for an animal who doesn’t understand what’s going on.
Dogs and cats sometimes experience a phenomenon known as sudden blindness. This condition is often a sign of something more serious, such as a medical problem or eye disease. And when it strikes, both you and your pet might feel panicked and unsure of what to do.
Here’s what you need to know about sudden blindness in dogs and cats.
Sudden blindness is a condition that’s more likely to be experienced by older animals (such as senior cats with high blood pressure).
The symptoms are pretty self-explanatory: your pet, who could formerly see just fine, suddenly goes blind. This vision loss could be permanent, or it could be temporary. Either way, it’s a major cause for concern.
It’s important to figure out how long it took your pet's blindness to develop. In some cases, your pet might not be experiencing true sudden blindness. In fact, it may have occurred over time — a period of days, weeks, or even years in cats — before you noticed.1
If your pet suddenly loses their vision, they’ll likely be panicked and afraid. You may notice your dog or cat acting anxious, stumbling around the house, or even being hesitant to move. A cat might find a place to hide while a dog will be more likely to stick close to your side.
Call your vet immediately if you suspect your pet is experiencing blindness- or any degree of vision loss for that matter. Physical signs like dilated, cloudy, or mismatching pupils could be cause for concern. However, in many cases, there may not be any visible signs that something is wrong.
Sudden loss of vision can have many potential causes, and often vary from case to case. Your pet may be experiencing blindness due to:
This isn’t a complete list of causes. Your pet could also have vision loss because of a traumatic head injury, nerve inflammation, exposure to toxins, or even medication overdose. If it is caused by an environmental factor such as toxins or medication, your pet’s vision will likely return after the toxin or medication is removed.
The most important thing to do with is to speak with your local vet. Your vet will be able to work with you to figure out why your pet is experiencing sudden blindness, and determine whether there’s anything that can be done to reverse the vision loss. Regular eye exams can also help catch any problems early as well.
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