Can dogs eat peas? Short answer: Yes! While many children dread the sight of peas on their dinner plate, dogs are quite the opposite. Often, dogs will delight in seeing peas in their food bowls and they’re a key ingredient in many homemade dog foods.
However, like any human food, peas should be given in small amounts at a time and in moderation according to your veterinarian’s instructions. Additionally there are some caveats to be aware of prior to feeding them to your beloved furry friends.
Peas are perfectly safe for dogs to eat and provide amazing benefits to the pups (and peeps) who enjoy them.3 The vegetables have a sweet flavor dogs love and pack one heck of a nutritious punch. With vitamins A, B, C, and K, as well as a number of beneficial minerals, like magnesium and zinc, peas can help strengthen your pet’s immune system, digestion, organ function, and more.
Yes. Green peas, like snap peas, garden peas, and snow peas, are all perfectly safe for dogs to eat. Their sweeter flavor makes green peas excellent training treats and their water content makes them a sweet, hydrating treat on hot summer days.
Dogs can eat black-eyed peas. While they’re not as sweet as their green counterparts, black-eyed peas are high in fiber and protein, as well as low in calories and cholesterol.
Frozen peas are safe for dogs to eat — as long as they’re precooked and marked “ready-to-eat,” rather than “ready to cook.” They provide the same benefits as thawed peas and are a great way for dogs to cool down after a long day of playing in the sun, but can be harmful if served raw.
No. Canned peas are the only peas that aren’t safe for dogs. They contain high amounts of added sodium, which can have dangerous complications. Too much sodium can lead to dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, and, in severe cases, can even cause death. Some canned peas could also contain oils, spices, or other additives that could harm your dog’s health.
Overall, peas are safe for dogs, with a few exceptions. It is not safe to give dogs canned peas. Raw, frozen peas are also too hard or could clump together and pose a choking hazard to your pooch.
Additionally, if your dog has kidney issues, feeding them peas is a no go. Peas contain chemical substances called purines that produce uric acid, which is then processed through the kidneys. Uric acid can lead to kidney stones or other even scarier kidney problems in your furry pals.
If you’re looking to ensure your pet is protected, should they eat peas in these conditions, pet insurance could make a difficult situation a bit easier to manage.
As a rule, dogs should only have peas in small amounts at a time and shouldn’t replace your pet’s regular food. While peas are safe for dogs to eat, it’s best to shell them beforehand, as pea pods can be a choking hazard to dogs. Peas are a common ingredient in homemade and perishable dog foods, and because green peas are sweet, they can also be used as healthier training treats.
You can breathe a sigh of relief knowing your dog can enjoy this nutritious snack. If your dog accidentally ingests something they shouldn’t, though, don’t worry! Accidents happen, but dog insurance can help you protect your dog and offset costs.2