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Wondering if your dog can enjoy a handful of fresh, juicy cherries? While dogs can technically eat cherries, this doesn’t mean they should. There are parts of cherries that can cause severe health complications for your dog. As a pet owner, you should be very careful if you decide to share a cherry with your pup. Read on to learn more about what makes cherries a less desirable option for dogs.
While cherries aren’t necessarily bad for dogs, the risks outweigh the reward. In short, the high sugar content and toxins in the seeds can cause an array of complications, and certain parts of the cherry can poison your dog. Because of this, it’s best to avoid them altogether if possible.
There are several risks associated with dogs eating cherries. The pit of a cherry has the potential to cause an intestinal blockage, or pose a choking hazard. The cherry flesh could upset your dog’s stomach. Cherries, especially maraschino cherries, are also very high in sugar. However, the primary danger with dogs eating cherries is cherry pit poisoning.
Cherry pit poisoning occurs when a dog eats cherry pits. These pits, along with some other fruit pits, contain cyanide, a chemical compound that acts quickly and can be deadly to both dogs and humans. Cyanide is also found in the stem and leaves of the fruit.
The symptoms of cherry pit poisoning or cyanide poisoning in dogs include:1
● Excitability
● Rapid breathing and heartbeat
● Drooling
● Watery eyes
● Vomiting
● Muscle spasms
● Seizures
● Convulsions
Symptoms can vary based on your pet’s size and how many cherry pits they ingested. The most severe cases of pit poisoning include seizures or convulsions. These symptoms may appear anywhere from 15 minutes to a few hours after your dog consumes cherry pits, stems, or leaves.
If you think your dog has cherry pit poisoning, you should contact your veterinarian or the Pet Poison Helpline immediately and follow their instructions. If possible, take your dog to the nearest emergency clinic for an assessment. Cyanide poisoning can be lethal, so it’s important to get treatment for your pet as soon as you can.2
Maraschino cherries don’t have pits, meaning they don’t contain the dangerous cyanide that other cherries have.3 However, these preserved cherries contain added sugars and artificial sweeteners. This excess sugar means maraschino cherries aren’t a good idea for dogs, either. Also, some maraschino cherries could also contain additives or flavorings that aren’t harmful to humans but could be harmful to your pooch.
Technically, cherries do have some nutritional benefits.4 This fruit is filled with fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. It’s also packed with antioxidants that help fight diseases. That said, your dog probably won’t benefit from eating the fruit.
Because cherries are so high in sugar, you should only give your dog one or two cherries at a time (making sure to remove the pit, stem, and leaves). This small amount likely won’t be enough for your dog to reap any real nutritional benefits, so it’s not really worth the effort to prepare the cherries for your dog. It’s best to opt for a more nutritional alternative.
If you want to give your dog a delicious treat, consider choosing a different fruit or vegetable instead of cherries. Fruits dogs can eat include:
If you do decide to feed your dog a cherry, you will need to carefully remove the pit, stem, and leaves in their entirety. That’s a lot of effort, so it’s probably better to stick to safer fruits that your dog will enjoy just as much.