Wag!  A Dog Walking App

Three Minutes
Apr 12, 2022

Do any of these questions apply to you?

Do you work 8am-5pm and leave Rufus at home alone? Do you ever wish you could call someone and have them take Rufus out? Do you ever get that last minute email from the boss asking for that last minute meeting and think, OH NO what about Rufus?

There is an App for that!

Wag! is a smartphone app that was launched in Los Angeles, CA and San Francisco, CA and has since been growing fast across other major metropolitan cities in the U.S. With one simple click, you can get on demand access to a dog handler for a dog walk, a dog sitter or find dog boarding 7 days a week!

Frequently Asked Questions About The Wag! App

What hours are walkers available?
Walks are available 6am-11pm every day, however, Wag! does recommend booking in advance for those early morning and late night walks to ensure a walker is available.

What type of people are these walkers?
Most of the dog walkers are pet advocates, volunteers in the pet community, vet techs, shelter volunteers, etc. The app showcases a profile picture and a short blurb about each walker so you can get to know the person helping with your pet.

Is there a special background check these walkers have to pass?
Yes. All walkers are screened, background checked, and tested for experience to ensure you get top-quality people you can trust and feel comfortable with walking your dog. Plus, all Wag! boarding facilities and pet sitters are bonded and insured.

How do walkers get access to my dog?
There is a lock box attached to your door with a special code only your Wag! walker, which is sent via text to your assigned walker. Wag! also offers added protection of your home to give you peace-of-mind — up to $1,000,000.

How do I know if they are really walking my dog?
The personalized app from Wag! lets you follow the walk as it is in progress and see your dog every step of the way via GPS.

Can I meet my dog’s walker?
Yes, for reoccurring walks only. A reoccurring walker is someone your rated with 5 stars during the review process. You will have the option to prioritize these 5-star walkers for future walk requests.

What is the cost for more than one dog in the same household?
For just $5 more perwalk, all of your dogs can get in their needed exercise.

What about a dog with special needs?
No problem, just note your dog’s special needs and requests in the comment section when booking the walk.

Are off leash activities allowed?
Wag! insurance does not cover off leash activities,.

What do you get after you book your walk with Wag!?
With Wag!, you get a very happy, well-cared for dog. You also get a GPS map of where the Wag! walker took your pup, where they used the restroom, a report card with a write-up on what your pup did and how they behaved, a photo and any additional information the Wag! walker wanted to share.

How do I find more information about Wag!?
Learn more about Wag! and where it is available at their website:

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