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Staying hydrated is one of the most basic principles of pet care.
Sadly, hundreds of animals die from heat every summer. Besides keeping your pet inside and never leaving them in a car, you can help prevent this by giving your pet ample water.
Here are some common signs of dehydration plus how you can help your pet drink enough:
You can check to see if your dog is dehydrated by grabbing the skin at the back of its neck. Stretch the skin up, then let it go. If the skin quickly snaps back into place, your dog is well-hydrated — but if the skin slowly sinks back down, that’s a sign of dehydration.
Other serious symptoms of dehydration might include:
If your pet gets to this point, it’s time to call the vet. Ideally, however, you’ll keep your pet well-hydrated all the time and you’ll never see these symptoms of dehydration.
If your dog eats dry food instead of canned food, they’ll need a little extra water. Some medications might also affect how much water your dog needs; your vet can advise. This advice all holds true for cats as well.
Always make sure your pet’s water bowl is full and is in a place where they can easily get to it.
If you’re playing with your dog outside, they’ll need extra water; pause every 15 minutes to let them take a drink. When you’re through, wait until they’ve stopped panting before putting their water bowl in front of them — a thirsty dog might swallow lots of air along with the water, leading to stomach discomfort.
During the summer, it may be best to walk/exercise your dog early in the morning to beat the heat. If you go out to the park or to walk around town, don’t assume you’ll be able to find water; take water with you, plus a bowl for your dog.
If your cat appears to not be drinking enough, purchase a kitty fountain; some cats refuse to drink from a bowl and prefer a fountain or a dripping sink faucet. You also may want to add an electrolyte tablet to your pet’s drinking water. Regularly clean your pet’s water bowl so they have fresh water at all times.
By always providing plenty of fresh, clean water, you can prevent your pet from becoming dehydrated this summer. Pair that with a pet insurance policy, and your pet is all set to take on the summer months!
Looking for more ways to keep your pets happy and healthy? Consider a pet insurance policy with MetLife Pet Insurance.1 Our dog insurance and cat insurance policies can help you provide your pets with coverage and care. Get your free quote today.
Nothing in this article should be construed as financial, legal or veterinary advice. Please consult your own advisors for questions relating to your and your pet’s specific circumstances.