Cats need to roam! Right? Wrong! It is a sometimes hotly contest conversation on whether indoor cats are happier and healthier than outdoor cats. Proponents of outdoor cats believe these cats indulge their hunting instinct and enjoy nature the way their indoor counterparts cannot.
How to Keep your Cat Safe
Proponents of indoor-only cats may believe that indoor cats are safer. However, there are many indoor hazards that could endanger a cat.
You can have an indoor-only cat who lives a life full of cat-centric fun in which she can indulge her hunting instincts in a safe manner. Indoor cats need fresh air and exercise and that means you will have to concentrate on indoor cat enrichment of her environment. When you invest in a cat health insurance policy, your indoor cat will benefit from living a longer, healthier life!
What’s a cat parent of an indoor-only cat to do to ensure the cat is healthy, happy and not bored by his indoor lifestyle?
Here are a few tips:
It's important to remember that indoor cats get sick and injured as well! That's why it can be important to take out a cat insurance policy.