How to Prepare Your Cat for Fireworks


How to Prepare Your Cat for Fireworks

3 min read
May 11, 2023

Many cats (and dogs) are scared of fireworks, and when you think about it, can you blame them?

Our pets don’t understand the concept of fireworks - they just know that all of a sudden, a terrifying noise is outside with bright lights lighting up the sky! If you have a timid cat, it’s essential to take steps to keep them safe throughout all of the Fourth of July celebrations so they don’t become scared or lost.

However, there are some steps you can take that may help soothe your cat when the fireworks begin. Keep reading to learn steps you can take- whether it's Fourth of July or New Year's Eve!

Keep Your Cat Inside

If you have an outdoor or indoor cat (or an indoor cat that likes to go outside) make sure to bring them indoors on any night you expect fireworks. Fireworks might scare or confuse your cat — they could get hurt, or run away and become lost. It’s safest to bring your cat into the house or garage and let them spend the night there during the fireworks. 

Double-check that doors and windows are shut tightly so your cat won’t be able to find a route outside once being brought indoors. This is also a good time to make sure your cat has proper ID tags and a microchip that’s correctly registered and updated, just in case your pet does get out.

Block Out the Fireworks

Close the blinds or curtains on your windows so your cat won’t be startled by the flashes of light. You can also try turning on the TV to a low volume; this will add some background noise so that the noise of the fireworks won’t be quite so scary and obvious. 

Make Them Feel Safe

Give your cat the freedom to find their own hiding spot.
Once they’ve chosen where that place will be, do what you can to make that place more inviting.  If possible, add a blanket or some bedding to make that place more comfortable. Treats and toys are never a bad idea, either. 

Remain Calm Through The Situation

Much like dogs, cats can pick up on your emotions. So if you act worried, they might start to feel the same way.

Go about your normal routine as much as possible — just don’t make any sudden or loud noises if at all possible. For the most part, you’ll want to leave your cat alone to do what makes them feel the most comfortable. A frightened cat might become even angrier if you try to pick them up or be close to them.

Talk to Your Vet

If your cat continues to act extremely frightened and you can not get them to calm down throughout holiday celebrations, like the Fourth of July, make an appointment with your vet. Your vet may be able to prescribe medication or natural treatment that can help calm your pet's nerves during these types of situations. 

Be sure to consult with your vet prior to giving your pet any type of medication or natural treatment so that your furry friend can remain safe and healthy. 

If your cat is scared of fireworks, or the celebrations taking place, they may get injured if he or she manages to escape the safety of their home. 

Consider Investing in Cat Insurance 

Looking for more ways to protect your kitty? Consider investing in a cat insurance policy with MetLife Pet Insurance.1 Get your free quote today. 

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