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If you’re a traveler or have long work hours, hiring a pet sitter may help fill in the gaps when you're unable to care for your pet. Though it might be a necessary situation, we know this can overwhelm some pet parents. Our pets are members of our family and they’re important to us. Before hiring a pet sitter, it's important to consider several factors, both with regard to person you may hire and also for your pet. Here are a few we like to start with.
There are those people you just automatically click with even if they may not have any experience in this field. But, for the most part, requesting a summary and resume of their experience is important to us. In your interview, ask what qualifications he or she has. Don't be afraid to ask for references.
Pet insurance can be a plus. If your pet sitter doesn’t use a service like Rover, your sitter should provide proof of commercial liability insurance.
It’s important to find out one or more ways to communicate with your pet sitter while you’re gone. Can he/she keep a daily schedule of activities? Did you already draw out the normal routine? Can he/she send photographs to keep you comfortable and relaxed while you’re on vacation?
This is an important factor, too. Will your pet sitter be staying at your home while you’re away or will you be bringing her to the sitter’s home?
If you’re bringing her to the sitter’s home, to make you feel comfortable you can ask for a tour to ensure your pet will be staying somewhere you’re comfortable with.
If you have considered all the above factors and are happy with the results, it’s now time to make your reservations. It’s important to make reservations early. Those who pet sit for a living often become booked quickly.
Don’t forget to leave detailed information about your dog. Does she take any medication? If so, what times and what dosage? What kind of dog food does she eat? Emergency contact information, your veterinarian’s information, and general information about your dog’s personality is always helpful.
We know that pets are like family and choosing someone to care for them when you're away can be a tough process. We advise pet parents to not take this decision lightly and try to plan ahead if at all possible.