Your Pet's Thanksgiving Meal

Three Minutes
Jun 12, 2023

Thanksgiving is a day to cherish time with your family – and enjoy a huge feast of course. Our pets are a huge part of our family and, as such, many pet parents enjoy sharing the Thanksgiving feast (generally with their dog as cats do ‘their own thing’). 

Unfortunately, not everything on our plate can go on our dog’s plate. There are certain ingredients in the food we’re likely eating that is harmful to our dog. To ensure your dog has the healthiest, most delicious feast along with you, you can make her a plate yourself while you are grabbing yours. 

What are Healthy Foods I Can Give my Pet?

Turkey is perfectly acceptable to feed your dog in a moderate amount. That’s fantastic because of course that’s the main dish for our feast! Grab her the least fatty portion of the turkey (it’s usually the top, middle portion). As far as the gravy goes, you shouldn’t put human gravy on your dog’s plate. Thankfully, there are  gravies at the pet store. 

Not everyone has sweet potatoes with their Thanksgiving meal, but if you do, these are high in fiber and beta-carotene. Before adding any spices, grab a small handful for your dog (of course base this on your dog’s size). Now, for another side. Carrots. First, we want to outline carrots are high in sugar, so if your dog is diabetic, carrots are not for them. For other dogs, carrots are a low-calorie, high-fiber addition the plate. 

Finally, pumpkin. You may or may not be including this in your fall feast. But, even if you only grab some for your dog, it’s well worth it. Pumpkin helps regulate your dog’s digestive tract and can be steamed or baked. Be sure not to grab the canned pumpkin; it has spices and preservatives your pup can’t have. Plus, the pumpkin on the dish can settle your dog’s tummy. If she’s enjoying her feast with an upset stomach due to anxiety, pumpkin may help reduce the ‘yucky tummy’ feeling.  

The Foods your Pets Cannot Eat

There are several foods that are extremely harmful to dogs we generally have at Thanksgiving dinner. Be sure your dog doesn’t get his paws on any of the following: 

If your dog does grab ahold of one the above, pay close attention to him as he may require a vet visit.  

If you suspect that your pet has eaten something dangerous, don’t wait until the holiday is over to take care of things — call a clinic now. You can contact your local vet’s office if they have an emergency clinic, or get in touch with the  Animal Poison Control Center at (855-764-7661) immediately. Let them know what your pet has eaten, how much and when.

Enjoy the Holidays and Keep Your Pet Safe

Here at MetLife1, we know accidents and illnesses can happen to all pets. MetLife Pet Insurance has cat and dog insurance policies to fit every budget. Consider getting pet insurance for your furry friend today.

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