National Pet Month

2 min read
Jun 13, 2023

Not only is may the start of allergy season, but it's also National Pet Month! It's a time to celebrate our pets, their unconditional love, and companionship.

Some of the best ways to do that are to take care of our pets' health and safety. Read on for ways to celebrate National Pet Month with healthy and safe activities.

Update Microchip Info

If your pet is not microchipped, consider having this done during National Pet Month. And each year, be sure to check your pet’s microchip information and update your address and contact information if necessary. If pets become lost, microchips often play a life-saving role in returning them to their homes and humans. However, it’s easy to forget the critical step of updating your pet’s microchip profile when you move or change phone numbers.

Schedule a Checkup, Grooming, or Dental Cleaning

If your pet hasn’t been to the vet lately, this is a good time to schedule a routine checkup. Even if your pet seems to be doing fine, a wellness exam can alert you to common pet health issues that need to be addressed, such as dental hygiene, latent allergies, or deteriorating eyesight. It's also a perfect time for a nice grooming and teeth cleaning!

Make a Weight Management Plan

If your pet is getting a little heavy, now is the time to implement a weight management plan. Find exercises that work for you and your pet, whether it's a daily walk with the dog or some vigorous red laser time with the cat. Re-evaluate your pet's food to ensure it's still appropriate for its age and make sure you're feeding the correct amount.

Adopt a New Pet

If you’ve been thinking about adding a furry friend to the family, now is a great time to do it! What better way to honor pets everywhere than by giving a pet a furever home? Head down to your local shelter and spend some time with the available pets there, and you may come home with a new best friend! Before you go, collect any old towels, holey blankets, or other items the shelter may need and donate them while you’re there.

Prepare a Pet Emergency Plan and First Aid Kit

Emergencies and natural disasters can happen at any time. Make sure you have a plan to get your family (including the pets) to safety in the event of a fire, tornado, earthquake, or other emergencies.

Get a Pet Insurance Quote

One of the best ways to ensure your pet's health is with a pet insurance policy. Pet insurance helps take some weight off your shoulders if your pet is to become sick or injured.

Protect your Pets

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