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The holiday season is upon us. While the holidays are a time for family and friends, they can also be an important time to prioritize safety for our pets. Read below for the top safety tips for the 2023 holiday season, as well as some surprising statistics pet owners may want to keep in mind.
3 Tips for a Safer Pet Holiday Season
If you plan on taking your dog outside, remember that ice-melts can contain chemicals that irritate your dog's paws. Meanwhile ice, and snow can get caught between pads. Make sure to wipe their paws down!
The Holidays can get cold. Sub-freezing temperatures, wind and snow are enough to make any pet chilly. Consider keeping a pet sweater on hand to keep your pet nice and warm this holiday season.
Holiday ornaments, sparkling trees, and LED lights can entice pets. However, livewires and electrical outlets are nothing to play with! Taping down loose wires and ensuring electrical gadgets are safely tucked away is a good idea.
Observe your pet for any signs of sickness, fatigue or poisoning. Call your vet- there may be a recorded message of steps to take in an emergency. Call the National Animal Poison Control Center 24/7 at (888) 426-4435. Find your nearest emergency veterinary hospital and safely transport your pet.
Having an active pet insurance policy can help make sure your pet is protected from accidents, injuries, and illnesses this holiday season.2 MetLife Pet Insurance1 is proud to offer our pet parents peace of mind. Not just this holiday season- but all year round.